Investor support


Metagestión SGIIC SAU has a Regulation for the Defence of the Client, whose reading is recommended, which regulates the activity of the Customer Service Department, as well as the procedure for the presentation and processing of complaints and claims.

Once the complaint has been lodged with the Customer Service Department, if the response has not been satisfactory or if a period of one month has elapsed since the complaint was lodged and no response has been received, the client may contact the INVESTOR SERVICE OFFICE OF THE CNMV located at C/ Edison 4, 28006 Madrid or via the online form.

Clients may submit their claims or complaints in the first instance to the head of the Customer Service Department of Metagestión SGIIC, S.A.U.:

Tel. 91 781 68 89
Fax. 91 781 68 92
Calle Calle Maria de Molina 39, 4º Izquierda, 28006 Madrid